Most people associate the classic, confident man with cigars, for various reasons. It is perhaps not so surprising when you consider how many film stars have incorporated cigars in their roles. These fat brown rolls do not seem very inspiring to the unitiated, but they hold great value to enthusiasts.
To those who do not know any better, a cigar is an easily disposable thing that does not necessarily represent much enjoyment for the user. Enthusiasts understand the value of a great roll, though. Cigar users from all walks of life hold their cigars at the ready, wherever they go.
For these characters, an opportunity to have a cigar with someone else is one of genuine moment. Some enthusiasts find new friends just by talking to others about their favorites. Among other things, they tend to discuss their suppliers for cigars.
Brazil is one of the countries that produces some of the most valued tobacco. You can find a variety of other great producers from several Latin American countries and even Asian ones. Fortunately for cigar-lovers in the US, the laws on importing cigars are more or less permissive, all things considered.
It is fairly easy to find a cigar in the country: go to a convenience store or even a pharmacist's shop. It is slightly harder to find some of the more esteemed cigar makers' products, as they are carried only by particular sellers. High-grade products may be obtained from high-class stores and vendors.
The most expensive cigars are those manufactured by Altadis, which is the largest cigar producer in the world. Most of the major buyers for its stock come from the US and Honduras. Altadis also produces cigarettes.
Another major producer would be the company known as Swedish Match. It has manufactories all over the world, from the American continent to the European continent. Swedish Match also makes pipe tobacco, snuff and lighters.
Then there are the famous offerings from the Fuente Family. With a hundred years of experience behind it, this particular brand's most famous offerings are the Montesino and Arturo Fuente. It also recently came out with the Fuente Fuente OpusX, a true cigar of note in the DR's cigar industry.
Perhaps the most well-known cigar brand from Latin America is that of the León Family. One can trace their beginnings to 100 years in the past. Their La Aurora is very well known in the cigar-smoking community.
Too many people use cigars for them to go away any time soon. Cigars are currently understood to be fairly expensive items now. Many famous personalities have smoked cigars even before you, and you may well share something in common with them each time you light up.
Need some relevant facts about the best cigars in the market? If so, checking my site will take you there.